Frank Rich on Booker, Bain, and Bipartisan Narcissism | New York’s Men Advocate for Equal-Opportunity Vanity

Wednesday, 23 May 2012 by IrwanKch
Wednesday, May 23, 2012
Recently on Daily Intel:
Stand Clear of the Closing Doors

City Council Proposes Grading Subway Stations on Cleanliness

This won't end well.

Mitt Romney

Mitt Romney Promises to Have Almost No Effect on the Unemployment Rate

Six percent by the end of his first term is not very impressive.


John Heilemann on NOW With Alex Wagner: Why Florida Will Be the Toughest Swing State for President Obama

The Obama campaign is not feeling confident about Florida, Heilemann says.

Nailed It

New York’s Men Advocate for Equal-Opportunity Vanity

You've come a long way, baby.

Mitt Romney

Some People Were Impressed by Mitt Romney’s High-School Cruelty

One percent of America, to be precise.


Disney Investigating Accused iPhone Thief Caught on Facebook

The phone has been recovered after a viral campaign.


Fare Hike Not Likely to Make Driving a Taxi Any Easier, More Lucrative

Their profits have been declining for years.

Cory Booker

Frank Rich on the National Circus: Booker, Bain, and Bipartisan Narcissism

I hope no one is nauseated if I suggest that the Newark mayor was engaged in idle self-promotion.

The National Interest

Wright, Bain, and Nervous Political Elites

Republicans and Democrats dislike the same stuff.


Facebook, Morgan Stanley, JPMorgan, Goldman Sachs All Sued Over IPO Debacle

Shareholders are really not happy.


Single People Not Immune to Human Needs and Wants

WHAT? Who knew?

Shakil Afriri

Pakistani Doctor Who Helped the CIA Find Osama bin Laden Rewarded With 33 Years in Prison

Nice work there, Pakistan.

Ink-Stained Wretches

Article on Proper Comma Usage Has to Print Correction for Comma Mistake

Love when that happens.

Car Accidents

Hitting Pedestrians With a Car Still Not Criminal in New York City

The actor Michael McKean and two others were injured in a crash, but "no criminality was suspected."

Michael Bloomberg

Michael Bloomberg Breaks Curfew in His Helicopter

Will he be grounded?

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