Wednesday, 8 June 2011
by IrwanKch
Recently on Daily Intel: | Literary Aspersions | The JP Morgan CEO reveals his "great fear." |  | 21 Questions | The blogger fills out our patented questionnaire. |  | Sink or Swim | Hepatitis A vaccine and an up-to-date tetanus shot are recommended. |  | Repeats | They've written so many they can't remember which photos they've already used. |  | Socialites | Gentlemen, put on your makeup. It's showtime. |  | Pop Quiz | Take the quiz. It's very, very hard. No pun intended. Okay, pun intended. |  | Weinergate | She will stay with her husband. |  | Bachmann Ambition Overdrive | More sniping from the camps. |  | Video | "We better hurry up this f—ing bit, because I am BLEEDING OUT!" |  | Weather | Great. |  | In Other News | The alpha morning show sends a message to viewers and rivals. |  | Weinergate | Baldwin is reportedly thinking about a mayoral run. |  | Marijuana | Connecticut decriminalizes possession of small amounts of marijuana. |  | Weinergate | That's ... ironic? |  | Weinergate | A majority of New Yorkers don't want Anthony Weiner to resign. |  |  | | | |
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