Vulture's 50 Most Anticipated Fall Films | Nostalgia Fact-Check: 'Dawson's Creek' | Opera Omnia

Wednesday, 31 August 2011 by IrwanKch

T.I. Gets Out of Jail a Little Early

Starts filming reality TV show.

Watch Kristin Scott Thomas Play Mind Games in an Exclusive Clip From Love Crime

She indulges in a little same-sex flirting with Ludivine Sagnier.

August’s Best Entertainment Photography

Glossy magazine portraits of Emma Stone by the beach, Ken Jeong with a giant foam wang, and Sarah Jessica Parker in her natural habitat.

Novelist Laura Lippman on Her New Book and Morbid Imagination

"I think I’m part of a generation of crime writers, all of whom woke up independently and recoiled with horror at the fact that we’d chosen this very conservative genre."

Olivia Munn Added to Magic Mike

As Channing Tatum's love interest.


Fashion at Your Fingertips.
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Vulture’s 50 Most Anticipated Films of the Fall

What we're excited about, from 'Drive' all the way down.

What Did George Lucas Change on the Return of the Jedi Blu-ray?

Darth Vader gets emotional.

After All Its Behind-the-Scenes Drama, What’s Really Going On at AMC?

After the money fights with 'Mad Men,' 'Breaking Bad,' and 'The Walking Dead,' which matters more: story, or the bottom line?

The Double Trailer: Toil, Trouble, Richard Gere

Well, there goes the "twist."

Nostalgia Fact-Check: How Does Dawson’s Creek Hold Up?

Verbosely. And slllllowwwwwly.

Hear Kelly Clarkson’s Official New Single, ‘Mr. Know It All’

'Stronger' is out October 25.

The Hour’s Ben Whishaw on Playing a Fifties Julian Assange, Cloud Atlas, and His ‘Marilyn Manson Breasts’

"There was a time when acting had more to do with putting on wigs and noses and costumes, and part of me hungers for that time again."

A Very Familiar Democratic Political Strategist Is Coming to The Good Wife

Her name is not James Carville.

The-Dream Is Pretty Bummed About His Divorce Again

Hear "Wake Me When It's Over."

The Vulture Book Recap: Let’s Read A Dance With Dragons Together, Part Eight

Enhanced interrogation, birth order, and a gay POV.

Babyoncé’s First Single: ‘If I Were a Boy (the Remix)’

We wrote Babyoncé a song. "If I were a boy / a miniature Jay..."

The Rise of Dress-up and the Fall of Pop at MTV’s Video Music Awards

Music becomes meaningless without your Twitter jokes.


Opera Omnia


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